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La bruixota

Editorial: Roca   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 512
Formato: Cartoné
Precio: 18,00
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.



Land Use Scenarios 'Environmental Consequences of Development'

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 422
Formato: Hardback 254 x 178 mm
Precio: 119,95
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está ya disponible.

Detailing research supported by the U.S. Marine Corps, this text presents a study of an undeveloped area being impacted by overall regional development. Through this example, the authors explain geographic vulnerability analysis , which takes into consideration possible scenarios about how and when future patterns of land use might develop. It points to consideration of critical uncertainties, those difficult to predict aspects of the future, that must be factored into decisions. This work will aid managers and stakeholders to engage spatial contingencies toward the goal of developing more resilient landscapes that can support a primary mission as well as the conservation of natural resources.
• Integrative Studies in Water Management & Land Deve
Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
Landscape Conservation & Countryside Management
Sustainable Engineering



Struts 2

Editorial: Anaya Multimedia   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 512
Formato: Rústica, 17,6 x 22,5 cm.
Precio: 49,50
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Struts es una herramienta de soporte para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web bajo la plataforma Java, que permite optimizar los tiempos de trabajo. Su carácter de software libre y su compatibilidad con todas las plataformas en que Java Entreprise está disponible, lo convierte en una herramienta altamente aprovechable.
En sus inicios Struts transformó el desarrollo Web en Java gracias a un marco de trabajo sencillo que permitía resolver los problemas comunes. Sin embargo, ahora estos problemas son más complejos y el nuevo Struts 2, equipado con un motor moderno, ofrece novedosos componentes y soporte a lo largo de todo el ciclo de desarrollo.
Este libro ofrece de forma lógica y progresiva, los conocimientos necesarios para enfrentarse al trabajo con Struts 2. Los desarrolladores familiarizados con Struts 1 sabrán valorar las secciones detalladas sobre plug-ins, WebWork, plantillas FreeMarker y la migración a Struts 2.



The Lowland Maya Area 'Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface'

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:   
Formato: Hardback
Precio: 139,94
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está ya disponible.

Integrating history, biodiversity, ethnobotany, geology, ecology, archaeology, anthropology, and other disciplines, The Lowland Maya Area is a valuable guide to the fascinating relationship between man and his environment in the Yucatán peninsula. This book covers virtually every aspect of the biology and ecology of the Maya Lowlands and the many ways that human beings have interacted with their surroundings in that area for the last three thousand years. You'll learn about newly discovered archaeological evidence of wetland use; the domestication and use of cacao and henequen plants; a biodiversity assessment of a select group of plants, animals, and microorganisms; the area's forgotten cotton, indigo, and wax industries; the ecological history of the Yucatán Peninsula; and much more. This comprehensive book will open your eyes to what we can learn from the Maya people—people who continue to live on their native lands, integrating modern life with their old ways and teaching valuable lessons about human dependence on and management of environmental resources.

Ecology - Environment Studies



El mag

Editorial: Roca   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 510
Formato: Cartoné, 20 x 14 cm.
Precio: 18,00
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.

Després d'escapar d'Ojai, Nicolas, Sophie, Josh i Scatty apareixen a París, on havien viscut l'Alquimista i Perenelle. La tornada, pero, no será tan dolça com haurien desitjat. Allà els esperaran nous enemics com Nicolau Maquiavel, escriptor immortal que treballa al servei dels elders, disposat a qualsevol cosa per obtenir el poder del Llibre d'Abraham el Mag. Entretant, Perenelle continua tancada a Alcatraz mentre el temps corre en contra seva: la profecia s'està fent realitat.




Editorial: Roca   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 532
Formato: Cartoné, 20 x 14 cm.
Precio: 18,00
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está disponible en estos momentos.

Quan la Sophie i el Josh Newman, dos adolescents que viuen a San Francisco decideixen posar-se a treballa en una llibreria a l'estiu per guanyar uns calerons, no s'imaginen que els amables propietaris, en Nicol?s i la Peronelle, sÛn en realitat els darrers guardians d'un llibre m?gic i mil_lenari, responsable de l'equilibri entre el BÈ i el Mal...Una batalla pel BÈ i el Mal est? a punt de lliurar-se i el futur del mÛn quedar? en mans de dos adolescents?



Enterprise Unified Process, The: Extending the Rational Unified Process

Editorial: Prentice-Hall   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 408
Precio: 46,75
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 4 días.

The Enterprise Unified Process: Extending the Rational Unified Process

Extend RUP to Drive Improvements Across the Entire IT Lifecycle

The Rational Unified Process is a powerful tool for improving software development -- but it doesn't go nearly far enough. Today's development organizations need to extend RUP to cover the entire IT lifecycle, including the cross-project and enterprise issues it largely ignores. The Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) does precisely that, enabling you to deliver systems that meet all the needs of today's businesses. Now, EUP's creator and architects present the definitive introduction to EUP, and demonstrate how to use it in your environment.

The Enterprise Unified Process systematically identifies the business and technical problems that RUP fails to address, and shows how EUP fills those gaps. Using actual examples and case studies, the authors introduce processes and disciplines for producing new software, implementing strategic reuse, "sunsetting" obsolete code and systems, managing software portfolios, and much more. Their independent, "tool agnostic" coverage will be indispensable no matter which RUP products or platforms you've invested in. Coverage includes

  • Practical, step-by-step guidance for adopting EUP in midsized-to-large organizations

  • Proven processes for optimizing ongoing IT operations and support

  • Enterprise business modeling and architecture with EUP

  • EUP disciplines for enterprise administration, people management, and software process improvement

  • Using the new EUP plug-in for IBM's RUP platform

  • Workflow diagrams fully consistent with RUP for easy understanding

  • Detailed appendices covering EUP roles, artifacts, and terminology

EUP is the missing link that can help IT professionals achieve the full benefits of RUP in the enterprise. This book will help you discover it, master it, implement it, and succeed with it.



Troubleshooting Linux® Firewalls

Editorial: Addison Wesley   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 384
Precio: 46,75
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 4 días.

Covers Red Hat and SUSE

When something goes wrong with your Linux firewall, you need to fix it—right now. You don't have time for endless newsgroup searches, confusing man pages, emails to the developers... it's an emergency! One book brings together all the step-by-step solutions and proven problem-solving techniques you'll need when the time comes: Troubleshooting Linux® Firewalls.

Authors Michael Shinn and Scott Shinn are among the world's leading firewall experts; they've even been hired to protect computer security at the White House. In this book, they cover every area where Linux firewalls can go wrong: rules and filtering problems, Layer 2/3/4 issues, trouble with individual services, DNS/DHCP failures, even misconfigured VPNs. They also present an easy, start-to-finish troubleshooting methodology that'll help you identify even the newest or most obscure firewall problem fast—and solve it!

Inside, you will find in-depth information on the following areas:

  • What you must know about iptables and netfilter to troubleshoot and avoid problems

  • Using loggers, sniffers, and other tools to diagnose even the most obscure firewall problems

  • Making sure your firewall rules work the way they're supposed to

  • Resolving problems with Network Address Translation and IP Forwarding

  • Troubleshooting SMTP, Apache, Squid, NFS, FTP, instant messaging, and other Web-based services

  • Finding and fixing common problems with IPsec VPN configuration

  • Making your firewalls more failure-resistant: recommendations from the experts

If you depend on a Linux firewall, what will you do if it goes down? With Troubleshooting Linux® Firewalls, you can be confident that the solutions are right at hand—so you can sleep at night!

© Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.



Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture, A

Editorial: Prentice-Hall   Fecha de publicación:    Páginas: 336
Precio: 47,79
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Disponible. Normalmente se envía en 4 días.

  • Comprehensive explanation of enterprise architecture concepts and methods
  • Extend the Rational Unified Process to include Enterprise Architecture
  • Unified view of the various architectural disciplines to create strategic blueprints
  • Perspectives on Enterprise Development and Technology

Indispensable technical, process, and business insight from leading enterprise architects

Many organizations today face the challenge of designing, building, and maintaining large-scale distributed enterprise systems that are able to adapt to changing business needs. Many repeat the mistakes of others, resulting in cost overruns, blown deadlines, and lost opportunity. Today's business climate places additional burden on IT to deliver. Ever-adapting business drivers can diverge from the capabilities of the enterprise IT systems today, especially if the systems are complex, fragile, and intolerant of change. Enterprise architecture can help future-proof IT investments made today.

A Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture helps readers create adaptive architecture strategies for successfully implementing enterprise architectures. This classic handbook goes beyond theory and presents strategies that are based on experiences within organizations across multiple industry verticals. Behind each opinion, technique, and principle is a wealth of knowledge provided by some of the best-known industry thought leaders today.

This book's authors have architected industrial-strength software and infrastructure for many of the world's leading firms-in financial services, telecommunications, media, and e-business. They present practical guidance, candid assessments of existing practice, and detailed examples from their own experience. Coverage includes:

  • Strategies for enterprise architecture-which ones work and why
  • Proven "product line" practices for streamlining the design of enterprise software
  • Understanding how to translate key business drivers into enterprise architecture output
  • Agile architectural and modeling techniques-presented by their creator, Scott Ambler
  • Architecting presentation tiers, user experience, and usability methods to create a reusable base of core assets
  • Overcoming the challenges of transitioning to agile methods
  • Identifying architecture enabling human resource practices

Whether you're a working architect or plan to become one, A Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture will be your timely, trusted advisor-today and for years to come.



The Lowland Maya Area 'Three Millennia at the Human-Wildland Interface'

Editorial: CRC Press   Fecha de publicación:   
Formato: Paperback
Precio: 87,95
Lo lamentamos, pero este libro no está ya disponible.

Integrating history, biodiversity, ethnobotany, geology, ecology, archaeology, anthropology, and other disciplines, The Lowland Maya Area is a valuable guide to the fascinating relationship between man and his environment in the Yucatán peninsula. This book covers virtually every aspect of the biology and ecology of the Maya Lowlands and the many ways that human beings have interacted with their surroundings in that area for the last three thousand years. You'll learn about newly discovered archaeological evidence of wetland use; the domestication and use of cacao and henequen plants; a biodiversity assessment of a select group of plants, animals, and microorganisms; the area's forgotten cotton, indigo, and wax industries; the ecological history of the Yucatán Peninsula; and much more. This comprehensive book will open your eyes to what we can learn from the Maya people—people who continue to live on their native lands, integrating modern life with their old ways and teaching valuable lessons about human dependence on and management of environmental resources.

Ecology - Environment Studies

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